The Humane Society for Seattle/King County Fostering

The Robinson family has been providing foster care for sick or young animals for the Humane Society. Sometimes cats with URI (upper respiratory illness) need a quiet, safe place to recover. That's just what we provide. And sometimes young kittens, with and without mothers, need a home while they grow up a little before being adopted. We take in these litters, help them to grow, socialize, and get ready for adoption. This page shows the cats and kittens and puppies we have taken care of so far. The pictures are in reverse chronological order. (All of these animals have been successfully adopted.) (Put your cursor over the picture for more information.)

Splotch, a playful, shy kitty who was waiting for his Feline Leukemia testing. He was ok, and was successfully adopted.
2015- getting back to fostering: Mulligan, a shy, sweet kitty.
Ginger, a skinny, scared kitty who needed R&R, and did beautifully!
Three little orphans, Blake, Paulie and Carl.
Five little kitties, two of whom sadly had feline leukemia.
Sylvester, a love-bug!
Maddie, a beautiful, affectionate kitty.
Gisele, a sweet young mom-cat with four kittens.
These are Gisele's four kittens: Jack, Jimmy, George, and Jenny.
Harley, DJ's buddy, another amazingly sweet, affectionate cat.
DJ, an incredibly sweet cat, liked to roll over for tummy rubs!
Honey, a great purrer and lap kitty.
Ishara, a very sweet, lithe kitty.
Five great kitties, who almost all looked alike!
Simon, Cinder's brother, one of the all time sweet URI cats.
Cinder, Simon's brother, an incredibly sweet URI cat.
Jedson, a sweet and playful URI cat.
Grizzly, a shy, sweet URI cat.
Mama, a friendly URI cat.
Sass, (Jabba the Hutt) an affectionate, loud purrer
Polly, a poly-dactyl cat with URI.
Garbo, who was sick for weeks, purred when you just looked at her!
Bell, a macho-looking, very sweet cat.
Tinker,  a great lap kitty
Another little one who got URI right after returning from foster care.
Lacey's 5 kittens
A little one who got URI right after returning from foster care.
Mischief, a playful cat with URI
Lacey, who with another momcat, co-nursed 9 kitens. We took care of Lacey and 5 kitties.
Josie, the Houdini of the puppy world.
Martin, a sweetie with URI
Gwen, the beautiful, blue-eyed mom.
Gwen's sweet five kittens
Our first puppies from HSUS- two healthy 6-week olds..
Yes, they looked a lot alike! But different personalities.
Boda, and her friend (next picture) both had a touch of URI and just needed some time to heal.
Spunky, another nice and sleek kitty.
This was an emaciated little mom with her 6 kittens.  Only 4 survived, but they did well.
Bruce (they named him!), who had a slight URI.
Ebony, here at the same time as Bruce.
CeCe, Sammy's brother. They stayed with us because the Shelter was too full.
Sammy, a shy, sweet part Siamese cat.
These kittens were with us to celebrate Becky's Bat Mitzvah!  Bruno, Conrad, Daniel, Alana at 5 weeks.
Ben, a super-sweet cat with URI. Bruce would have adopted this one!
Ted, a 10 wk old with URI
Jet, an affectionate cat with URI
Vasic, an incredibly sweet cat, also with URI
Selky on top, Spinalzo, O'brian, Oliver, Ewok (in front)
Oliver, with adoptive mom, Tinker
Spinalzo, O'brian, Ewok and Selky, Tinker's offspring
Paul, Behr, and Clark
Lynn and Willow
Olivia, another with URI
Becky, our first kitty; she had URI.

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