Bear, at the breeders, at about 7 weeks

Barry at almost 9 weeks old, taken by Simone Lupson-Cook.

Bear's first trip out at the cabin.

Totally out!

Bear is about 10-13 weeks here.

This is the 4month old and 40lb Bear...

Meatloafing like our cats.

This is the 5-6month old and 60lb Bear.

Some of the pics are a little goofy. He's beginning this funny adolescent age - adult fur on top, a little puppy fur still on the sides, and dreadlocks by his ears!

Here is Bear, getting a bit bigger. He is now about 5" taller than Sophie, along his back. Having him in the car I really have to admit that he is sort of, kind of, well, large.

Well, my BearBoy is just over a year, and only about 90 pounds. He is a sweetie...