Now, on to Manual Antonio Park on the Pacific side. We took the scheduled 9:00am flight to Quepos, the little town just north of the park. Another 6-seater plane!! We were the entire scheduled flight!

To celebrate Becky's birthday, we went for a guided horseback ride. We saw a large, working plantation. They had brahma cows, in back of us in the pic. The guide explained how they planted the palm trees for oil and pressed the oil.
Then we crossed a stream and went out to a deserted beach. We did a little horse-trading, so to speak, so that the girls and the guide could do a little more adventurous riding than us old folks wanted.
Like a tv commercial - cantering on the beach, thru the waves, sun shining, a dream come true. Anna's old riding skills came right back to her, and she and Becky had a great time.

At the hotel restaurant (which is totally outdoors, partially covered) troops of little white-faced capuchin monkeys would come play. They would take turns swinging on branches, and one time threw coconuts down for added fun and target practice.

And, these great big iguanas would hang out, practically begging at the tables for handouts! These guys were big -- almost 3 ft nose to tail!

We all had a blast playing in the waves. Huge monster waves... The three of them are ready...

... and only Anna is left standing, 10 seconds later!!

We played til the sun set.

We took a guided tour in the Manual Antonio park, where many sloths live (kind of like my house!)

Another cute lizard.

These are bats sleeping! They line up so that predators think they are some larger animal, like a snake, and don't bother them. With the binoculars, you could see all their little ears and noses - very cute.

Finally, some great guide told me how I could take a pic thru the telescope (which all guides are born with). This is a cool bird with a large beak.

Need I say... anything?

Two males sloths, one chasing the other, at record speeds (that is, observable motion!) Territorial dispute - the lawyers followed close behind.

Clearly a three-toed (count 'em) sloth. Isn't he just too cute?

Our towels!! I should have been taking pics all along... every day at every hotel our towels were folded incredibly. Like swans, or fancy shapes with soaps tucked in, or here, like a shirt and a purse. Even the start of the tp and kleenex had little fans or whatever carefully folded. We are talking Olympic quality folding here.

Looks just like a philodendren that we see in the States... but these leaves are 18" long. 'Lush' doesn't even come close!

And, the airport at Quepos, as we were leaving. A small airstrip tucked into the jungle...

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