Hello, everyone. Here are some Alaska vacation pics from August, 2001. Now, isn't it nice that you can make snide comments ("why didn't she focus?", "what animal? where?") without interupting our vacation slide show and hurting my feelings? I tried to pick just a few, and ones with people (yes!) in them.
Here is our itinerary, the red line: from Anchorage to Seward to Homer to Denali.
Us and our new home... a 24' Winnabago. Drives like a truck. So what did we expect? |
This is just after leaving Anchorage, at Beluga Point, where we didn't see any. But the view was beautiful, windy and wild. |
Our first campsite at Willawaw, near Portage Glacier. |
That is a glacier right there. It was this lovely bluish color, which doesn't quite come thru here. |
These are icebergs floating in Glacier Lake, at the foot of Portage Glacier. While Becky was watching, a piece of one broke off, making an incredible rumble. |
Ok, laugh... yes, it's a bald eagle. See the upper white spot - that's the head. Looked better with binoculars. Anyway, on the boat trip out of Seward, there were many eagles, and one place with a bunch of immature eagles (no white head for easy spotting) right on the beach. Way cool. |
These are Stellar Sea Lions, all of whom are just not sure what they should be doing... I'd say that they all needed focus... |
This is Bear Glacier, part of the Harding Ice Field, which take up almost 15 sq. mi. This pic is from the Seward boat tour, where it became a bit foggy and rainy and cold and wet and windy (but still fun!) It looks like I spread out the picture horizontally, but really this is how it is. The tracks in the middle are flows.
This is Petersen Lake, where we camped when we couldn't find Hidden Lake. Yes, we thought it ironic, also. At dusk, a couple of beavers came swimming by, on patrol, it seemed. The loons (no, not us; the birds) called all evening, making this place just magical.
This is an old Russian Orthodox Church, in the small town of Kenai. The town is on a bluff, with an incredible view. |
Now, in Denali National Park. As soon as we entered, we were greeted by caribou. Everyone just stops her car on the road and gets out to look. Later, we saw a momma grizzly with two cubs, and a BIG papa grizzly - but you'd just laugh at my pics ("that dot?"), so I skipped them. |
Up on the hills we often would see Dall Sheep. They hang out in these incredible, rocky, steep places. This group was many youngsters... take my word for it. Thank goodness the binoculars are better than my camera lens. |
The mountain. McKinley. Denali (the High One, it means). We were lucky to see it - it is usually hidden in clouds.
A view from Eielson Visitor Center in Denali. |
This is on a hike from Eielson Visitor Center. |
We went for a hike by our campground, along the Savage River. Saw lots of bear and caribou and moose scat, but no animals. We were disappointed and relieved, all at the same time! |
A moose, right by the road, grazed a while, then lay down. The fall colors were so beautiful. |
These are the Huskies in the dog sled demonstration. Really cool! They are used in the winter for patrol and to bring supplies - they are all that can get through there in -40 degree weather! |
I took this just because the tundra was so, so beautiful. It all looked like a diarama - these sparse spruce trees in front, looking very 3D-ish, and then this incredible backdrop that Anna swore was a Hollywood set. |